DeepVocal Wikia

Ken Shippai is a vocal for the DeepVocal engine. She primarily is a vocal-synth for the engine UTAU.


Ken isn't human. She is a rock, specifically a moonstone, with the ability to shapeshift. Her rock is on the center of her back. She is virtually a hologram with mass from the gemstone, similar to Steven Universe and Land of the Lustrous.


Ken is rather a very curious person; an arrogant airhead. She is very outgoing, spontaneous, and always looking for the next big thrill. She finds things that aren't usually that funny, pretty funny. She is very competitive, impulsive, and can sometimes come off rather rude. Besides that, she can't cook and usually falls over flat surfaces. That's basically it.


  • Shippai (失敗) - "failure, mistake"
  • Ken (県) - "prefecture"


Refer to her UTAU wiki page for all current canon information.


Product Information
Basic Information
• A mature-sounding young alto

• Includes end breaths, triggered by typing [HH] • Configured by Dav-P

Bank/Phonetic Information

• CVVC Japanese

• Monopitch F4

Software Issues as noted:

• Consonants occasionally come in too early


This article is written and certified true and correct by the author of the character. The details seen here may be subject to change without prior notice.


DeepVocal Voices